Today is the liberation day of Gaziantep

Today is the liberation day of Gaziantep

Today is the liberation day of Gaziantep

During the War of Independence, Gaziantep, which resisted the enemy with the thought "I will be a martyr if I die, I will be a veteran if I stay" and saved its lands from the enemies at the cost of losing 6 thousand 317 martyrs, Gaziantep celebrates the 99th anniversary of being awarded the title "Veteran" by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. The British entered Antep on 17 December 1918. The French reacted to this occupation that lasted for a year, and when the British gave up the "Right of Supervision" over Mosul in September 1918, first Syria, then Antep, Urfa and Maraş were evacuated. After that, the French occupied Kilis on 29 October 1919 and Antep on 5 November 1919. At the beginning of 1920, the famous Antep Defense started. The defense of Gaziantep, which started on April 1, 1920, lasted 11 months and ended due to hunger. During the defense, the French fired 70,000 bullets to the city, and 6.317 people from Antep were martyred. This extraordinary defensive end Turkey Grand National Assembly on February 6, 1921 meeting in Antep "Veterans" has been awarded the title. On March 15, 1921, in London, the Turkish Foreign Minister and the French delegation Antep agreed to return Adana and its surroundings to the Turks. As a matter of fact, this treaty took its final shape with the Ankara Agreement and the last French soldier left Antep on 25 December 1921. Every year, December 25 is celebrated as Antep's Liberation Day.